Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pod Casting - A Useful Technologly

       I learned that podcasting is another tool that can be useful for teachers and students to use to share information. It can be used in the classroom for teachers to record lectures and allow the student to listen to them later or for projects that can easily be put together with a simple microphone and computer.

        Podcasting is similar to the Web 2.0 applications we have discussed in the way it is able to share information easily without any investment in expensive technology. A trend I'm noticing is that this stuff is simplified and affordable or pretty much completely free which is great for teachers, students, and parents alike. Things like this are just recently (in the last ten years) becoming available. This is a great time to become a teacher!

        I do own an iPod. I use it in many different ways, including downloading podcasts from iTunes. In fact, on my recent trip to Europe, I downloaded podcasts that were self guided walking audio tours. They were amazing for being free! For classroom use, I think if I felt students needed to listen to me again while studying at home, I would use podcasting to share recorded lectures. That is about the extent I would use them. For projects and other similar happenings in the classroom assigned to students, I think I would go with something else with video and audio features. I honestly can't think of a disadvantage of these online communication tools unless someone becomes to reliant on them. These type of things are great learning tools. Students learn how to share information more easily and can get more in depth with their computer usage which will help them in their futures as computers aren't going anywhere anytime soon.

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R., & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful learning With Technology(3rd Edition). Columbus, OH: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wikis, Blogging, and Social Bookmarking, Oh My!

          I feel as though I would use a wiki to provide an outline of notes for the semester,rather than any other way. It would be quick and easy to add notes each day and link other appropriate content for students to revisit during a lesson and prior to testing for review. For blogs, I'd have the students do small summaries of what they've learned for the week. I think that would be a great tool to see if they are taking appropriate notes and soaking up the appropriate knowledge and ideas I would be conveying.

          I like the Social bookmarking. I've been using it for a couple years, so I'm familiar with it. I don't see me using it with my future students, but maybe I'm not understanding how this could be useful. Now the VoiceThread on the other hand looks absolutely great! I've never heard of it, so I found it very intriguing. I could see myself having the students use it as a collaborative tool for projects or homework assignments.  The fact you don't need any extra software to use it makes it PRICELESS for students. No need to have them buy anything, which I'm sure is a hard thing to have everyone do in a public school. Being able to make extravagant presentations by adding multimedia such as audio, video,and pictures would allow a whole new dimension of integrated technology learning. Not only would they be more immersed in the subject being covered, but they would also be learning about computers and how useful they can be.

          Tapped in was yet another resource that I have not had any experience with. All I can say it WOW! I'm not sure how teachers handled such things way back when the internet was just an idea. Tapped In looks like it would be very useful not only for myself, but my students to have some interaction with other students, in and out of the country. As a new teacher, I'm sure it will be absolutely invaluable being able to ask teachers across the United States and the world how to deal with certain issues or suggestions for better learning activities.


Johnson, D., Howland, J., Marra, R., & Crismond, D. (2007). Meaningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Voicethread. (2007). VoiceThread Features. In VoiceThread. Retrieved March 1st, 2011, from